Sunday, December 2, 2012

alright, i'm going for it..
i'm starting a brand new blog.
it makes me a little sad, but i am trying to think of it as a fresh, new slate.
but only because i tried to pull a sneaky one on google... and failed.
so here we go.

if there is anyone out there who used to watch for updates on my blog through some sort of blog feed, you might want to delete my old blog from your list and add this one instead.
[very creative, i know!]

we went for a walk/bike ride the other day.
it's funny how your weather standards really drop as winter hits.
this summer i felt the need to wear pants and a cardigan when it dropped into the 70's.
now, i think the 40's are perfect for bike riding!
at least you don't work up a sweat, right?!
ok, i don't actually think 40's are perfect bike riding weather, but they will do.
anything to get us outside.
that is where chet and i like to be.
chet rode his bike for 1.5 miles, plus up and down a hill about 25 times.
and when he got home he was pooped.
in an attempt to burn up some energy inside for the rest of the winter, i signed chet up for a gymnastics class.
his first class is on monday!
i am excited to see what he thinks of it.
but i honestly can't believe i am enrolling my child in a class like that. he's too little!
and i'm too young! ...or at least i think i am.
sometimes i think i could walk in to a high school and stroll through the halls without anyone thinking i didn't belong.
but then i realize i graduated EIGHT years ago. and high school kids surely think i am old.. and lame.
i met a 22 year old the other week and, when she found out i was 26, she said "whoa!".
that wasn't great for my self esteem.
matt and i are also the longest married couple in our ward (besides our 60 year old bishop). brutal!
so i guess that means i am, indeed, old enough to have a kid in an 'extracurricular activity'.
we hope to find him a really great one-piece spandex suit.
and we will pair it with a sweatband. and leg warmers :)
chet built this truck ALL BY HIMSELF. i was so impressed.
when he showed it to me he said, 'do you love it, mom?'
haha. i sure do!
he seriously says the cutest things.
he also likes to build towers. tall ones.
sometimes they are so tall that a step ladder is required.

every time we go to storytime at the library, chet is too nervous to sit on the rug with the other kids.
but he did it this week!
...but only on the very corner. and only until a little girl tried to sit beside him!


  1. Haha we don't go to story time all that often, but when we do, my kids are too nervous to sit on the carpet too! I guess we need to go more often!! Cute pictures!

  2. So we're allowed to comment again???? lol. I feel the same way about highschool...has it really been 8 years? I think I could easily get away with grade 11. But maybe I am delusional. One day it'll catch up with me.
    And Pam, welcome to the world of extracuricular activities. They are my fav. Peyton and Jack are almost always in swimming lessons at the Y. They love them and it sure tires them out. I couldn't imagine not putting my boys in something. Especially in the winter.

  3. I love seeing Chet in hs underoos! Haden wore some for about 20 minutes but then peed in them so now he is back in diapers. Rebecca
